How SMEs use Mobile App developers to grow

The popularity of Mobile Apps see no sign of slowing down. With thousands of new apps being launched on the app store every day. But how can a small business use a mobile app developer to build their own mobile app? Its best to ask why build an app first and then learn more of what is needed to develop one for your business, we’ll explain.

Why build an app for your business?

Building a mobile app can offer small businesses several benefits, from marketing and brand building to making life easier for your customers or staff, here are our top reasons why mobile apps can benefit a small business.

Make it easier for your customers to interact

Mobile apps offer a chance for businesses to simplify all kinds of processes for your customers, and deliver them onto the device they are spend most of their time on. For example if your customers interact with your business via an online account, or a booking process; delivering this through a purpose built mobile app can make it far easier and encourage customers to return.

Customer loyalty not new sales

Rather than attracting new customers Mobile Apps offer more value to small businesses through increasing the loyalty of existing customers. By developing an app that encourages and even incentivises your customers to return, the more likely they’ll stay with your business instead of switching to a competitor.

Brand image

Mobile apps bring an image of technological focus to a brand, plus they can help attract new younger audiences that are happy to engage through an app rather than via computer, phone or face to face. When developing an app it is important to have clear goals in mind as to what the app will do, and what your audience is looking for.

Staff efficiency

Mobile apps don’t have to be for your customers, they can also help your staff and drive efficiency improvements internally. For workforces based on the road across regions or even countries a mobile app can help staff check-in with business data such as the status of a customer order or access files remotely on their mobile device. 

Now that we’ve explained the reasons why a mobile app can help your small business, we’ll talk you through what resource is required to make your new mobile app a success.

What does a mobile app developer do?

Mobile app developers are specialist software developers that create, programme and test applications that are designed to run on mobile devices.  

Mobile apps are written to run on Apple iOS and Google Android Mobile operating systems. Commonly mobile app developers will programme in C, C++, Python, or Java languages depending on the mobile device. Mobile app developers will also work closely as a team with data and graphic specialists to build an app. Due to the smaller screen sizes on mobile devices design and functionality are particularly important to ensure the app is easy to use. 

There are also hybrid apps which encompass a web based application scaled down to work effectively on a mobile device. We discuss the real costs of outsourcing your hybrid app development here.

Why use an outsourced mobile app developer to build an app 

Cost and skill are the two fundamental reasons why a small business would choose to outsource their mobile app development. As we’ve covered above, developing a mobile app requires knowledge and experience using specific programming languages. Plus, successful mobile app developers will commonly work in teams with other software experts and graphic designers to develop the app as a whole project. 

Having this level of specific programming knowledge takes training and investment of your IT staff. If your considering recruiting an internal app developer then the knowledge and skill you’re after will demand a high salary. Also bear in mind this specialist resource may not be called upon every day within your business, so by outsourcing you’ll be saving money and access more skilled developers.   

Looking for Outsourced mobile app developer?

If you’re an SME with Mobile app aspirations and maybe it’s time we have a conversation? At Webol we are experts in outsourced development with access to a talent pool of Mobile app specialists. So, if you are looking to develop a Mobile app for your specialists, contact us.

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