Why agile roles save time and money in software outsourcing

As IT managers will know, developing software solutions for your business takes serious commitment of time and staff resource. With company directors demanding fast results and low project costs, what choices do you have? Outsourcing your software development can help with cost savings, while adopting agile roles within your project team brings a different approach that can bring better and faster deliverables. We’ll explain why in this article.

What is agile software development?

Firstly, let’s start with the question what is agile? Agile is a method of project management that may be a different way most IT teams approach a software development project. With an Agile methodology the team working on your project are able to respond to changes and developments which may and often occur. Agile software development is founded on 4 core values and 12 key principles which prioritise individuals, customers and change over a set plan and process. 

When to use agile

Agile differs from the traditional Waterfall method of project management which follows ere the next step can only be started when the previous one has been completed. With a greater focus on customer requirements and adaptability, agile suits entirely new development projects where the end result is uncertain. For start-ups or small businesses looking to grow agile works as your development takes the lead in shaping the right solution for your customers. 

Where agile is not best the choice and the Waterfall method maybe better suited is where your project outcome is known from the start. Routine updates to existing software for example would not suit agile, which could lead your pre-defined project steps off course.  

How do agile roles work? 

The difference between an agile development role and a traditional one is its flexibility. Central to the agile developments team is the daily scrum; here the projects product owner, scrum master and development team members meet to update each other on progress, problems and decide how to get the work done. Beyond the 3 set roles for the scrum the roles of the agile development team are flexible and dependent on what skills are needed to progress the project. Different development specialists will be involved and required to work together and adapt as the project progresses.

It’s also a common misconception that the agile development team are all software developers. Designers, customer service and operations staff can all be required; essentially wherever the software product interacts with an area of your business, a project representative from that area will be asked to join the scrum.

How to Integrate software outsourcing into IT

As stated above to successfully adopt the agile approach of development you will need buy in from other areas of the business. When outsourcing your software development and adopting the agile method of project management you will need to involve your own IT team. By encouraging positive engagement between internal IT staff and their outsourced team members you will benefit with not only a more cohesive team, but better results, and potential upskilling of your staff. This example can be seen in some of the world’s most successful IT companies that integrate outsourced resource into core IT projects.

Is going Agile the way forward for your business?

Choosing to outsource your software development may require a rethink of how your current team works. However, for companies willing to adapt to different approaches, the benefits can far outweigh the negatives. Speak to our team to find out how an agile outsourced development team can revolutionise your IT.

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